Monday, October 5, 2009

People are different!


Be very careful who you socialize with! There are people of all kinds on this planet. And we are more or less "compatible" with each other.

I have learned that the people I have around me have a big impact on my own well-being!

Positive people are gifts from heaven! Practice a positive attitude yourself, and you will attract others like yourself. Positive, as well as negative tend to be contageous.

Some negative people make you struggle to keep your energy up. They talk about problems, make you feel pity for them. They drain your energy, hold you down. Avoid them!

Some people are unreliable and dishonest. Lots and lots of talk, but very little action. They live in the past or in the future, not now. You will hear talks about past victories and future success. And they always have an excuse for not doing things right now: "Next week/month/year I will..." "As soon as xxx happens I shall..." Avoid them! Even more than the negative ones!

Be with people who move forward and upward together with you and share laughter and pain!

Carpe Diem;

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Positive attitude *YES* - but...


A positive attitude is a very good character trait! There is always something positive in everything. To focus on the positive certainly makes life much more rewarding. No matter the circumstances a strong positive attitude makes you thrive and enjoy!

It is also contageous, so by being positive you can help other people towards a richer happier life!

Something to consider, though, is to listen carefully to yourself at all times. The flip side of being positive is that you might end-up staying in situations, places or relations that are not very good for you. Because you are positive you always find something good, and manage to thrive anytime.

This could affect your internal drive to go towards your dreams and goals!

Carpe Diem,